Current happenings in the world of social media, tech, PR and advertising

Tag Archives: public relations

I’ve always been the person people go to for tech advice. For everything, from Apple to HDMI cables, I’m your girl. In the last two days I’ve received texts from three separate people, one asking when I wager the new iPhone will come out, the other asking when the best time to purchase a new MacBookPro would be, and the last asking me which content management system would be best to start her personal website.

The internet is also my best friend– I seriously cannot go more than 20 minutes without googling something. My mom makes fun of me because she still can’t quite get the name of her laptop correct, let alone know how to navigate the internet! (“Is it a MacAirBook? Or an AirMacBook? Or just an AirBook!??”)

And lastly, as any other Gen-Yer graduating with a major in PR or advertising will tell you right now, I love social media. Maybe it’s because I grew up alongside it, or maybe just because I am, by nature, an extremely social person. But something about the connectedness got me hooked on Twitter and Facebook long before they were cool. (Or at least I like to tell myself that, haha!)

So I started this blog to merge all of my passions– technology, the internet, social media– and to share examples in which they have all lent themselves to the futures of advertising and PR. I’ll comment on stories, industry news, or just share things I happened to learn about that day– whatever’s relevant and stands out!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy!